Saturday, September 13, 2003

What!? An update?

Ok. Ok. I know I've been lax about updating this thing. Thing is, the last time I tried it lost my entry and for me and that tends to make me a bit grumpy and not want to use the tool anymore. Oh, it said it saved it but what good is that if there' s no way to recall it? As we get settled in here I may (and probably will) move this to my own website where I can better control what happens. Sorry to keep everyone guessing.

We've been in Woodland Park, Colorado for about a month now and we like it here very much. This small city, a town really, sits in the shadow of the great Pike's Peak. Here' s a bit of trivia for you--- did you know that the old favorite patriotic song "America the Beautiful" was inspired by this mountain. It's true. The author, Katharine Lee Bates, wrote it while on a lecture trip to our fair state. She had made the trek to the top of the mountain (part of the way on muleback) and the view so inspired her that she penned those words. Personally, I think the peak is even more beautiful to look at from this side. Most people see it from the front range while driving along I-25. If you come through here and have the time, take the trip up US 24 to Woodland Park and take a look at the mountains from a new perspective. You won't be disappointed. Oh... and you can stop by and say Hi while you're at it. ;)

The weather is getting colder here now. Our overnight lows are often in the low 40s and I think even lower than that most of the time. Had to kick on the furnace several times in the last few days. Snow can't be far away. We've had our share of rain too. In fact, there's been so much of it lately we were beginning to think someone was fooling us and that we never left Washington. The locals tell us that it's a good thing, though, since it's been drought conditions for the past few years and they really need the moisture. Cat's had some adjustment to the Colorado rain storms though. We get thunderstorms here that rattle the windows and gulleywashers that seem to threaten to take the road out. A bit unnerving for someone not used to that sort of thing. Had a few lightening shows to boot. Quite a change.

I do have some very good news to share. We sold the house. We've signed the closing papers and returned them and things should be wrapped up by mid next week. This really takes a huge load off our minds. Praise God! On another good note, I finally got a response from one of the places I've been sending resumes to (over twenty by now). I'll be working next week. It's contract work which makes it less reliable but it's good because it also allows me the opportunity to be exposed to different businesses in the Springs area. Besides, I rather like the idea of not having to settle for someplace more permanent just yet. For those curious, I'm returning to my old (and preferred) line of work of fixing, installing, and maintaining computer equipment. This particular 4 day job is just some desktop migration work but the person I talked to tells me there's a lot more available. He said there's a ton of work in Colorado Springs. Hallelujah! Since it's an outsourcing agency, I'll have a lot of opportunity before me very soon. Yet another praise. Things have been getting very lean for us. This, as my experience shows God always seems to do in my life, comes just when we need it all most.

Ok. Yes, the old man here is another year older. But I'm not alone. We spent the Labor Day weekend visiting with family in Brighton and Johnstown and enjoyed it very much. Marvin's another year older too but this one's more significant for him and because of that, I really feel old. My baby brother has reached the big Four-Oh. Yup. Time marches on. It was a joy to see him, Tracy and the kids again. Mom and Dad were able to come up for the get-togther and stayed with Cheryl. We all had a great time. Mike and Edna were busy supporting their sons' new adventure -- 6 man football. I played 8 man and thought that was a small team. Wow. This little league that's getting together even made mention in the Denver post and both Cory and Grant were quoted there. Very cool. Best of luck to them all.

I'll try to be more timely in my updates and keep y'all informed about how things are going for us. For now, we plan to stay in Woodland Park. We like it here very much and think this (or at least this area) may be the place to setttle. Now that the house effort is done, we'll be looking for more permanent living arrangements. Besides. Cat's anxious to get her Miniatures line rolling and her web store opened. Hard to do where we are.


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