Sunday, October 26, 2003

First Snow!

Woke up this morning to a frosty day. The forecaster had said that the weather would be changing and getting a lot colder. It did. As I sat drinking my coffee, I noticed it getting lighter than usual much earlier. A peek out of the window explained why. The temperature was around 27 degrees and light, fluffy flakes were starting to fall. We had close to an inch or so. Enough to toss a few snowballs. Most of it was gone by noon but it was nice to see while it lasted. In typical Colorado fashion, it was 85 degrees in Colorado Springs Thursday, cooling on Friday then icy today. It's supposed to get even colder tonight. The temp was down to 25 the last I looked and is supposed to drop even lower tonight. We're all bundling up, getting our heavy clothes out and getting ready for the winter.

I'm still looking for work and I've had a couple of temporary assigments. Not much but at least it's something. I've got many applications out but things are just very lean now. So many people out of work that I'm sure the hiring managers tire of reading resumes long before they choose a candidate. Not very fair but it's to be expected.. I have faith that something will come up soon that will carry us through the winter months, at least.

One bright side is that we are very close to going live with Cat's new miniatures store. Look for it soon. I'll be advertising it here as well as the big places when things are in place. She's quite the artist. She's decided to specialize in plates -- meal settings, really -- and some of the pictures leave you hard pressed to believe it's not the real thing. Very impressive! Look for an announcement in the next week or so.

The little guy is looking forward to his 6th birthday tomorrow. It's been all he can talk about for the last month. He's met several kids in the area and has a blast playing with them. It's good to see him able to break out.

I hadn't really planned to make this a monthly but that seems to be the way it's working out. Just too many directions to go in and sometimes we both feel like we get nothing done. Of course, I know were completely alone in that ;)

Here's to a safe and fun Halloween!


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