Sunday, June 13, 2004

Time to catch up

There's been a lot of things that have happened over the last few months. Sorry to keep you in suspense but I've either been busy or just too tired. Then, of course, there's always the fun of technology but I've been looking for ways to improve on that as well.

Ok. First, the most important thing is that I got a full time job in April working as one of the route truck drivers for a local thrift store called the ARC. It's very physical job and with an average of 60+ stops a day, rather demanding. The pay is keeping us afloat and that's what matters right now. I'm sorry I missed relating a lot of important events of the last few months but I've not been up to doing everything I used to. I pick up as much as 20 bags and boxes at each stop and that makes for a long and tiring day. Not much energy left for anything else.

One thing I have been trying to keep up with is my writing. I've been working on a novel -- fantasy genre for those curious -- and have made good progress but it's work writing like this and somewhat time-consuming. I'm about two thirds of the way finished (over 200 pages) and since I don't have the time I used to, it's not moving along to the end as quickly as I'd hoped but I still keep at it. I've also done some work developing another website and you can see the results of those labors at Drop by and say Hi. He'll be very glad you did.

Jim and Bill stopped in for a visit back in April as well. It was good to see them again. Jim had just got back from a deployment (Navy boy, ya know) and was enjoying some time off. He's back at it again and will be heading to sea soon, again. He's done quite well in his Navy training and service and I'm very proud of him.

We have a real praise to share. I don't recall right now but I think I mentioned that there was some part time work we'd been doing at the local laundry. Good people, Ken and Penny are. So good that they made us another offer that's hard to believe. It seems we'll soon have a real house to live in thanks to them. They're planning to retire in Buena Vista, just a few more miles west of here, but needed someone to take care of the laundry responsibilities at least four days a week. They talked to us and we are very happy to do that. As a part of the bargain, they will rent us the home they recently purchased as well. It works out very well for us and for them. Thank you Lord. We've been praying about our situation for a long time now and this is where God is leading us. We've learned that our changes now will be made in smaller steps but that good things will be coming our way. This is a big one. It's hard to describe how hard it can be spending a year living in a 31 foot Airstream. It has not been easy for any of us and this comes along as much of our hope has dwindled to nothing. We look forward to the change and I can tell you that there will be some very appreciative people in this family when we can stop living in each other's laps. We hope to move around August. I'll try to keep the news coming as it happens. I'm just finally regaining my will to even try.

Part of the problem with this weblog is the hassle of having to rely on using a web-based editing system. I've long wanted to be able to write my entries while offline when the mood strikes me rather than having to jump through the hoops of getting online using the dialup connection we have. It would bring about a form a freedom and flexibility that would enhance the writing experience. I'm sure enough of you have used these one-eyed monsters with buttons to know that they don't always do what you want them to. Then there's the issue of flakey hardware to add to the fun. I've been doing some research and hope to be moving this to my own personal server with a better look and even the opportunity for you to make comments. That's down the line though. For now, know that I'm not always able to get online and as a result, not always able to update the blog. I hope to use such a website as a great outlet of creativity as well as news and in the future plan to be writing a lot more.

We had a very nice visit with my folks last Tuesday. They stayed a night here before traveling on to Idaho for the Falconburg Family Reunion. We were not able to attend this year, for obvious reasons. Maybe next time. It was held this weekend and we're probably the only ones from my family that didn't make it.


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