Tuesday, November 08, 2005

New Blogging Tool

While this is an excellent tool to use for updating a Blog, it seems to have at least one interesting limitation. There seems to be no facility for tacking on a title. (I edited this post to add the one above) Of course I just started using it and I may have missed something or I don't fully understand how to use it. Even so, it's the best one I've seen so far for Linux so I'll keep using it for now. This was also one of the reasons I wanted to host my own server. One of the inherent problems with using any of the various blogging systems is that they are all designed for the used to be online, entering text via a web page. For me, that's entirely to restrictive to my writing process. Sometimes I want to think about the stuff and go back and read the text I've already entered and easily edit it before posting anything where it can be read live. That's the primary reason for the quest for a tool that allows writing offline. I was surprised in my research to learn that this approach, even in the Windows world, was uncommon. Very peculiar to me. It's been a while now and some enterprising developers have managed to fill the gap, offering excellent tools the blogging community. The one I'm currently using is called Drivel, written by Todd Kulesza. This post is being written with it and it has a lot of features that make it a fine writing tool. Don't worry, I won't bore you with the details.

Part of the reason for setting my electronic quill down has been other activities that demand attention. Getting used to a new job, practicing and singing in an Ensemble now called Reflection and developing a new website for Cathy to sell her miniatures. That last one was the biggie because I've also been learning a great deal to support it. Rather than using some expensive website hosting plan, I found a service that provides what amounts to an empty shell that I get to fill. (geeks -- pun intended)

This host provides the public system that I install everything on from the operating system up and have to configure myself. It's quite involved and for some of the required software, a steep learning curve. Having done so, however, I now have experience that is invaluable and may well be applying that knowledge to support some paying clients. Ok. I know you're anxious to check out the result. Go ahead. Have a look. Cathy will appreciate it. Her new site is at http://www.mountainminis.com

I mentioned some changes for this site and some of what I have planned is to make better use of what Blogger provides by breaking the content up, if possible. Since Google (yes, the search engine giant) got involved (they purchased Blogger.com) options available to me have been greatly expanded. If I can do most of what I'd like to here, I may simply expand the site to include it all. If not, I'll be pursuing a website of my own soon. I promise it will be much more active around here. For one thing, you will now be able to respond to my mindless meanderings and add content of your own. However, I reserve the right to dump anything I feel is inappropriate. Now... get on over to Mountain Minis and take a look at some amazing artwork!


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