Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Rant Time

Why are people unwilling to think for themselves? In my line of work it seems I run across this a lot but it's not limited to technology. I'm amazed by the number of questions fielded on any number of topics that could be answered with a little bit of research. It seems to be an epidemic. Is this the result of being force-fed by the current media? I wonder. It often seems we are quite willing to sit back and take it in, never questioning the validity of what we hear. It's scary when you think about it. Look at the condition of society today and one has to wonder. What ever happened to critical thinking? I'm appalled by the way this TV generation has allowed others to do their thinking for them. It seems every day we hear someone spout some nonsense they "heard" somewhere, often second-hand. Do we not question anything anymore?

I'm not going to get deep into it here (at least not this time) but the argument over teaching "intelligent design" (newspeak for Creationism) is a classic example. When was the last time you heard someone say "the THEORY of evolution"? They fail to mention that it is only a theory in the various "science" programs and textbooks lead our children to believe that this is solid gold truth. How many of us question why? When did this lunacy become the accepted "fact" it's touted to be. Why are people so afraid to learn about a different belief system? Yes. The Theory of the Evolution is just that:a belief system.

Simple answer? We've become complacent and are perfectly willing to let the "Scientific Community" do our thinking for us. What's the justification? "They're scientists. They know about these things. We just have to accept the facts." FACTS!!?? Oh. I get it. Like the facts revealing the "Piltdown man" was the missing link? Folks, if you're here reading this, you have absolutely no excuse for not doing some research. It's only a click away.

This is but one subject, admittedly a hot and current one, where critical thinking should be used. Please. Don't be a lemming. Read. Research. And above all, question.

1Thess 5:21


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