New Directions
As the new year opens, plans are made and schedules are set for what lies ahead. For school children it's a return to the books and for many others it seems, a continuation of the same old thing. It's often hard to look beyond our current situation and the daily grind to anything hopeful. We struggle to make ends meet and sometimes wonder -- is there a point to all this?
Hope for the future seems a shallow thing unless there is a light within that gives focus to your purpose. Some of us pass though the Christmas season singing joyful and happy songs, going to parties, spending time with friends and family only to emerge on the other side with a deep sense of loss and emptiness. All the bluster and distraction of the season has faded and we're left to wonder, "What's it all for?". Especially when the world does everything possible to neutralize the essence of the celebration. The ridiculous term "Holiday Tree" comes to mind.
If Christ is not at the center of Christmas then the question "What's it all for" is a valid one which should cause us to review our motives. There is much to draw us away from personal reflection. It's easy to once again get caught up in the stress of daily living. Easy to forget that Jesus the Christ is the true reason for the celebration of the season. He brings a new beginning. This child, sent to us from the Father, turned the world upside down. It's still true today and if we take the time to set the worldly noise aside, we will see it and find true hope. My prayer is that you will make room in your busy schedule for Him. Let Him become the focus of your purpose. Do that, and you will see delightful changes come your way.
My current focus is in the singing ministry and never so evident as in the ensemble that I'm a part of. We call ourselves Reflection because we seek to be a reflection of all that Jesus is. We do this through music ministry and from the responses we've all received, know that lives have indeed been touched. We continue to expand our ministry and this year may see more opportunities to reach other hearts in need. While we continue to sing in services at Woodland Park Community Church, we have also been blessed with opportunities in the community around us. Our first engagement of the year will be Sunday morning the 29th of January at WPCC. Two other events are soon to follow and I will post the places and times for those that might be interested in attending. One is in February and will be our first concert.
Change your focus. Find a way to reach out to others and the year will bring new adventures and blessings beyond counting. May your life be filled with His joy.
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